Privacy Policy

Our Commitment To Your Privacy

Your privacy is important to us. To better protect your privacy the following notice explains the information we collect, how it is used, how it is safeguarded, and how to contact us if you have any concerns.

What Information Is Collected:

As part of the order process, the following information is collected from shoppers:

Name Shipping/Billing Address Email address Phone number Credit/Debit Card Information

How That Information Is Used:

The information that is collected is used to fill orders, contact buyers if they have questions, or to send email(s) with special offers.

This information is not used in any other manner.

The information is safeguarded by using a secured site to process your order. If you look on the bottom of the screen during the checkout process, you will see a small lock. This means that your information is secure. Also, remember when buying anything, check the URL and make sure that it says "https://" the "s" after http means that the site is secure.

If you have any questions, feel free to contact us using the information on the About Us page.or visit